Week 6: God Created Us For Relationship

Last two weeks of our very interesting series “Creation”….. whisper hi and give a very quiet and gentle HI 5 to the one next to you.

Creation Day 6: Animals & People

This is the last day that God created something. So far, God has created Day and Night, the Sky, Land, Sea and Plants, the Sun, Moon and Stars and Birds and Fish. On this last day, God created Animals and People. Genesis 1:24-31 (excerpts) states, “Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind’…And God saw that it was good…Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our own image, to be like us’…and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came marking the sixth day.” This week we’ll discover how people were created for something different. We weren’t created for the same reasons He created everything else.
The story of the sixth day of creation is amazing. It’s the most descriptive and involves you and I. God created us in His very image. He didn’t create the animals so He could walk and talk with them. He created
Adam and Eve to have a relationship with. If you read on in Genesis 3 right after Adam and Eve sinned it says that Adam and Eve “heard the Lord God walking about in the garden.” A lot of people believe that God walked with them in the garden a lot to talk with them and have a deep relationship. This is probably why the man was so sad when they had to leave the garden; not because they didn’t have a beautiful place to live with some of the best food and beautiful scenery on earth, but because they knew they would be
separated from God. But, have no fear God loves us just as much and wants to have a relationship with us. This is why He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to save us from our sins.
In our lives it can get pretty hectic, with school, our parents, annoying brothers and sisters, sports practices, and so much more its making me tired just thinking about it. We can get pretty busy but we got to remember that our relationship with God comes first. We should always make time for him even if it’s just a little because God isn’t imaginary, He isn’t a statue or an idol, He is alive, real, and has a desire to have a good relationship with us.
Life Application
• Adam and Eve ruined their relationship with God by breaking his trust. Has there been a time where you feel like you ruined a relationship with God or anyone else?
The answers will vary but ultimately when the answers are being told it is EXTREMELY important to reiterate to the kids that they are forgiven and loved no matter what was said, done, or not done.
• How do we keep a good relationship with God?
Talking to him and praising him are just a few examples. Keeping good communication with God is essential in a good and growing relationship. God is everywhere so it is easy to find a place and talk to him.
•What are some good or bad relationships that you have had with friends or family?
Tell a simple story of personal experience or, say you use to fight with your siblings but after some time, and growing up your relationship got better than it was, and you became better siblings and friends.

Bible Verse

“Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him.” Colossians 3:10, NLT
The Point
God created mankind and all animals on the sixth day. God has made us for a relationship with Him.
Our relationship with God is possible through Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.