Week 3: God is Our Provider

What a wonderful day to know about God and his creation and what does it mean today. Say hi and wink with your left eye and say “it is a good day to love God”…
Creation: Day 3 – Land & Plants
On the third day of creation, our Bible says in Genesis 1:9-13, “And God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.” And it was so. God named the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.” And God saw it was good. God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing fruit. The seeds they will produce the kinds of plants and trees from which the came.” And so it was. The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind. And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the third day.” What an
amazing day! God created all this in preparation for us! He provided the dry ground that we walk and live on and provided us with tons of fruit trees to eat from. I would call God my provider, wouldn’t you?!

Quails raining from the sky?! Isn’t God completely amazing?! We saw the Israelites were whining a bit and acting sort of ungrateful, but God still provided for them. When God rained down quail in the evening and bread in the morning, He specified exactly how much to take. He allowed each Israelites to take two quarts of food each day but told them to take twice as much on the sixth day because food would not rain down on the Sabbath. So isn’t God so cool that He provided them with everything they needed, and even provided them extra when they needed it?! The Israelites trusted that God would provide for them and so can we!
This reminds me of the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. When Jesus was done performing miracles in the city he left the city to rest. However, many individuals recognized him and began to follow him. Jesus climbed up to the side of a mountain with his disciplines while the five thousand people sat in the wide plain below. He then turned and asked his disciples how they were going to feed the great multitude of people. The disciplines claimed it to be impossible, but Jesus had a plan. He asked one of his disciples to grab the supplies that they had, which was two fish and fives loaves of bread, and he prayed for the food. Then he told his disciples to pass out the food among the five thousand and each person ate food until they were full! Like Jesus provided for all of these people, He can still provide for us today!


Bible Verse

“Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him.” Colossians 3:10, NLT
The Point
God created the land, seas, and plants — and saw that it was good. God is able to provide us with just enough, and He can even provide us with more than we can imagine. We need to ask God for provision in faith and believe He can do it!